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C++ Lecture 1

Learn C++ with M Numan Sharif 

This is the lecture one of C++ series

We will not come here for learning the history   c++. We are here for learning the c++ code.
So let start from the writing the first program in C++.
You must have to be installed “Dev C++” in your computer for writing the C++ code.
There are three major parts of a c++ program.
        I.            Preprocessor directive.
      II.            Main Function.
    III.            Body of the program
Below program will explain these above things.


     Open Dev C++


Hit  “CTRL+N”(for new file)
·         Start writing the code

// Write a program that print
“Hello your name” //

        using namespace std;
        int main()
      cout<<"Hello M Numan Sharif ";
       return 0;



  Now see the program we will discuss the program in detail

    #include<iostream>          Header files
    using namespace std;
    int main()                          main function
   cout<<"Hello M Numan Sharif ";    Body of the program
   return 0;

     Header File/ Processor directive:-
  #include is known as processor as it includes all the header files which contain different predefined    functions.
   Let see the some function of heade file “iostream”

For display the values.
For input values from the user.

         Main Function :-
Remember one thing that a compiler start compiling a program from main function and execute every line sequentially.
Here one thing to be noticed that if a program have not a main function then what is the result will produced?
Answer is simple, that program will be complied but never be execute or run because that program have not a main function
3.    Body of the main function:-
   Anything or any task written in the main function is called body of the program.
   Every line in the body must be ended with semicolon ( ; ).


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